So Glad To Be Back!
Covid is affecting us all, but is especially hard on the women whose stories I tell in EMPOWER A REFUGEE and women like them.
Because gatherings are unhealthy:
training sessions can’t be held for newcomers. Instead, those who know how to sew and have at home sewing machines are sewing masks for places like the local V A Hospital. They are picked up by a volunteer from Peace of Thread and delivered to the buyers.
art festivals and fairs have been canceled, so opportunities to show and sell the handbags the refugee women create are no longer available.
get togethers to offer friendship and support are not being held, as little children are often involved, and no one wants to expose them or their parents to infection.
And these are only a few issues they face. Be grateful, everyone, for all that keeps you healthy and happy. Stay safe and well.
Pat at
and at
I hope to hear from you.