How long must you live in a place to find people who make a difference? I moved here six years ago and didn’t know a soul. Just learning to navigate this major city after living in a town of 3,000 in the winter and a small city the other eight months was almost overwhelming. I wasn’t prepared for major traffic 24 hours a day, nor the time it takes to get from point A to B.
I’m happy to report that with time I have created an ever expanding network of friends, colleagues, refugee women with so much to share and such giving hearts, and people who make the way smoother for all these people. How you may ask. By deciding what I could be passionate about and going for it. Whether it is befriending refugees, visiting a detention center holding the thousands of people seeking asylum who await a hearing with an immigration judge, introducing cultures with ethnic fundraising luncheons, hosting people from other countries or writing I’ve made a rich and fulfilling life. How about you? Are you living with passion and purpose?