Hacked. I’m Back
Hello Dear Readers,
I haven’t blogged for some time simply because my website was hacked, and it took people far more technical than I to “resolve the issue” as they call it. I call it frustrating and infuriating. How about you?
So much has happened since my last post. A brief rundown and then more in the ensuing days. I finished my second book, this one about resettled refugees and their stories and Peace of Thread, the non-profit giving them a hand up. It is with the publisher. My church has a give away the plate program. A non-profit is chosen each quarter, and church members donate what they wish during that period. At the end, a check is cut and presented to a board member of the non-profit. Last quarter Peace of Thread was selected. It is featured in my book. Photos will be on Facebook soon.
I attended the Joining Hands for Justice conference a couple of weeks ago. For those of you who don’t know, many people in the U.S. and elsewhere support the Boycott, Sanction and Divest Movement to end Apartheid in Israel. The movement was started many years ago in South Africa, and successfully ended Apartheid there. You may not know that 42 U.S. Congress co-sponsored a bill to fine or imprison supporters of the movement. Hard to believe? It gets worse. I learned at the conference that a school teacher who was to sign her contract for the next school year was presented with a another document requiring not requesting her signature – she was to promise not to boycott Israel. Your comments are welcomed.